Friday, June 13, 2014

The Unseen Mission field

  What do you think of when you hear of missions? Going to a foreign country? 3rd world living? Living with people who don't speak the same language as you do? It can be all of those things, but it can be a little closer to home too.

   I used to go to a little town church in Montana with my twin sister to help with vacation bible school. We did it faithfully for 6 years, until we got out of high school and had our lives take other directions. They called us their missionaries. We traveled to teach these little people about Jesus. It was a simple version of missions, and one that I had never considered until they called us that.

   I had forgotten this simple definition for a long time, until the other day when I was talking to my husband about marriage. I realized that a marriage should be your first, and most important mission field. It is a relationship born of God to mimic the relationship between God and the church. What greater mission do we have than to reflect Christ back to those around us by our interactions with our spouse?

   This is the unseen mission field. Unseen? I call it this because very few people are going to realize that you are ministering to them just by interacting with your spouse in an honorable and loving way. It is a relationship built into the laws of our nation, though we have a separation of church and state. It is also under attack in our nation in the name of 'equality', though it is an institution of the church.

   How do we work our mission field?
    ....We love our husbands second only to God! 1,2,3 they are looking at me!...yes, the world is looking at you. The jokes you post on facebook about being the boss. The comparison to animals; dogs. Calling your husband a man-child(I also have to clean the clothes off the floor and the pee off the seat, but I do it because I love my husband) When you post that your children are your only reason to live in the entire world; your very breath each day.
   ....We honor them in our speech, mannerisms, and dress. Yes, I said dress. Dress to impress in public, dress to be stared at in your bedroom. Other men lusting after your body in front of your husband in front of him is not going to honor your relationship. I have chosen to dress in a more modest way, that I will mention in another post in the future.
   ....We are subject to them in all things. No, I am not advising a slave/master relationship, that would be ridiculous. There is a strength in letting another person lead, and an even greater strength when it is within a biblical relationship. If your husband is close to God, you do not have to worry that he will abuse this power. Our marriages are under attack, fight for your testimony, and treat it as the mission field it is.

 Love God, Love your husbands, Love your families

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