Friday, December 30, 2011

Cloth for Christmas? Yes, Please!

My cloth diapering journey began about 3 years ago. I married my soldier, and we were wanting to start our family. As we kept getting told, "babies are expensive", and being the person I was I started researching alternatives to what most people refer to as "regular" diapers. We were trying to establish a budget as a young married couple, and the thought of spending up to 100 dollars on something we would throw away daily was something that neither of us liked at all.

We discussed cloth diapering, but didn't know of anyone who did it at the time. Shortly I stumbled across them because of a woman we went to church with who was using cloth on her twin boys. That was my first face-to-face introduction to any of the modern type of cloth. She invited me over to her house, and taught me everything she knew about them. No pins, no folding, just a pocket with snaps and an insert. And, she even did cloth wipes, that was something I had never really thought about! I HAD to tell my husband! This was far simpler than either of us had imagined! He was very supportive, and we ordered them when I was about 6 months preganant with our oldest son. The woman at our church used Fuzzibunz One-size, and being very new to cloth, it was really the only option I knew of.

Here our oldest is in his Fuzzibunz One-Size. These are still my favorite!

We discovered that the "pins and flats" cloth diapering of my mom and grandmother's generation was the only idea people had when you said you were doing cloth. People were very divided in their opinion; they were either tentatively suportive or absolutely grossed out! The idea of having to put the mess in the toilet before they put the diaper in the pail was just too much for them. I don't have a problem with it, and we wash our diapers every other day so that they are cleaned often. They all assumed we would quit within a week. But, with the help of companies like, Cotton Babies, where I can look at lots of types of cloth diapers and see what my options are, and making our one-stop shopping online easier; we have succeeded! With our oldest being a toddler now, we are looking into the Flip training pants! It is so nice to have so many brands in one place, and to have options for cloth training pants.

Our baby man is sporting his diaper as a swimsuit here...

So, how easy is Cloth, really? Wear, wash, repeat. Sounds too simple, NOPE! I see lots of moms asking in the Facebook forums, "what's your wash routine?" Is this an important question, yes, but the only difference between regular laundry and diaper laundry is that you have to rinse all the detergent out. If you follow your care instructions, and look at the instructions they send you with your diapers you will do just fine! My husband has even embraced this aspect of cloth. He has no problem throwing them in the wash, and he has our wash routine down pat!

Have we stuck to our budget, even though we now have two in cloth? Yes! We have 30 diapers for two children, all are one-size pockets, and we couldn't be happier with them! two sets of diapers and wipes have cost us about $400. How many peole can say that their diapers have paid for themselves? With the coming of our third child, this time a girl, I am also really excited that I can order some "girly" prints. Yes, Cloth mommies have a thing for cute prints.

Why am I blogging about this? Other than the fact that I would love to see more people being exposed to the truth about cloth, I am entering my post into a contest. I am not being paid for this, but would be very excited to hear that my post was liked! Please make comments and give me your cloth diapering questions and experiences. I can try to answer whatever you ask, and If I can't I will try to point you in the right direction.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Why Momma Cries

I never used to be a crying person. I never cried much until I had babies! I guess the mixture of hormones and effort that we put into growing these little loves does something to us.

We adopt those fabled "maternal instincts"...the one that makes you jump up out of bed because you hear a strange breathing pattern, or makes you take your toddler to the potty even though he told you, "I don't have to go!"

We cry when they succeed, we cry when they can't do what they thought they could...but if we tell them they "failed" we would hurt their heart and that is to be avoided at all we tell them, "next time baby!"

We cry when they grow...I now know why people get emotional when their kids go to school, their "baby" is no longer much of a baby!

We cry at the thought of what could be...I am now the queen of getting teary over movies that have terminally ill children in them, I just don't know if I could be as strong as their parents have to be!

We cry when they hurt our feelings...I have toddlers right now, but I know that someday they will have the power to hurt my feelings, but I'm praying it's a long way away!

Mommas cry over everything! It heals the hurts and helps us to celebrate the victories! How wonderful that God gave us such a versatle tool to cope with every occasion!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Looking for answers

This is my third pregnancy, and EVERYTHING has seemed very different! Not just how I'm carrying our baby, and how fast I'm growing, but my emotions have been much different.

I know that we are having a girl, but I'm suspicious that is not the only reason that things have been off. I can't consentrate, I'm very moody and then I'm not. I am exhausted and then I am awake and ready for action. I will get in a mood that feels like a "fog" and I can't make it go, I'm not thinking of hurting myself, or my husband, or my kids. If I had been feeling like that, I would have done something about it long before now.

With a deployment looming in our future, and recent problems at home, I finally did it. I made an appointment to see if I really do have depression, and what can be done about it while I'm still pregnant.

I know that with our first son I had some minor problems after I gave birth, but I figured out how to work through that one....this has been going on for a while now, and I can't shake it!

I'm not a depressed person, at least I don't think so. And I thought I had a handle on myself. But, now it just seems like I can't do anything...and making people mad seems to be my skill right now.

I have noticed my posts are not the same on my blog, but I thought it may have been something that just run out of things to say every now and then, but then it started trickling down into everything! Laundry, cooking, my relationships...EVERYTHING!

I'm looking for answers and I hope to find some soon!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

My Favorite, non-material, Christmas Gift

Day 4 of the Wives of Faith Blog Carnival, and we are to blog about a gift we have recieved. The only catch is it can't be something you can wrap!

My favorite non-material gifts happened nearly 2 years apart to the day...the first was that my, at the time, boyfriend proposed to me on December 23rd, 2007. This counts because I didn't get a ring until February :-). And the second was our son, Mckinley. His due date was December 25th, 2010. We had actually joked once about having a "Christmas baby" before we started having babies, because my husband is a Valentine's baby! I had elected to be induced on the 21st so that we could spend Christmas at home. He must have agreed with the day that I had picked because 4 hours before my induction was set to start, my water broke at home in bed!

Both of my gifts have to do with, where my husband and I promised to become man and wife, and the other where we brought our son...another little love..into the world together. This was the second time my husband got to actually deliver our babies.

My loves are my entire life! And near Christmas every year I have these memories to remind me how it all began....I was promised to be my husband's bride....

and the birth of a baby!

No, I do not compare my son's birth to that of Jesus, but it is still my personal reminder that Christmas is a day of Sacrifice, Love, and New beginnings!

I guess December has really become a very commercial month, with all the comparisons that are made between a "good" Christmas and the number of gifts you buy for the ones you love. And now that we have a baby who's birthday is so close to this holiday, you would not imagine how many people say, "I would hate having my birthday then! I wouldn't get any presents!" I pray this is not the legacy that I leave my children. I want them to see Christmas differently!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

My favorite christmas memory

Today is Day 3 of the Wives of Faith blog carnival, and they asked us to blog about our favorite Christmas memory.

In 1996, My twin sister and I were 9, and we went to our grandparents' house for Christmas like we always did. Us, our younger sister, two step brothers and our mom and dad.

Montana is known for snow, and this year was particularly snowy..."el nino" had made an appearance! My 9 year old mind didn't know exactly what this meant, but I loved snow days anyway.

I got a journal for Christmas. I remember sitting with it on the couch and writing that I wished it would snow so much, when we got back to school, that my mom couldn't go into work and had to stay home with us. Little did I know that the winter would bring far more snow days than I had even hoped for!

I know this isn't necessarily a "Christmas" memory...but I made my wish on that day, and it actually came true! We got several snow days with my mom! We also had enough snow that papaw had to get it off the roof with a little tool he built, and after the first couple snows even I could stand on the snow and see over the roof!

Merry Christmas...wishes may come true ;-)

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Wives of Faith Blog Carnival-Christmas Treat!

So, Day 2 of the WOF Blog Carnival...and we are onto FOOD! And at Christmas, who loves the fact that treats are nearly a must! MEEEEEEE!

I have a recent love of Cinnamon Rolls! I just feel "Christmasy" when I'm making them, and I know lots of people who actually have a tradition of making them for Christmas Morning...and I think it's a SUPER idea! As we know Christmas morning is a bit of a delayed start in the food department, so it can't hurt to have it ready for you right?

I have tried several recipes over the last year....Katie Lee's, which was my very first attempt. Pioneer Woman's recipe, which was right after I read her Book "From Black Heels To Tractor Wheels" (so good!). And a more recent attempt, and it was because I only had a limited amount of time to make 90 minute cinnamon rolls

Each recipe has it's perks, and I have decided that My favorite cinnamon roll is somewhere between Katie Lee and Pioneer woman! Take Katie Lee's Dough recipe

and Pioneer Woman's "frosting"....just because I am really into maple right now...

and you have my idea of the perfect cinnamon roll. Sweet Dough, Great filling, and enough the right make it worth every little calorie!

Merry Christmas Morning to those of you who are thinking of enjoying these then, like me!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Military Monday Blog Hop

Thank you, Semper Wifey For reading my post for the WOF blog carnival, and bringing to my attention the Military Monday blog hop!

I'm excited to start participating in this weekly event! I love reading other military spouse blogs, and I am constantly amazed by the posts I read. I am inspired by the patience, strength and humor that I see through these women. I hope I can do the same for you in the future!

My favorite Christmas movie...

I participated in the Wives of Faith Blog Carnival not long ago, and now they are doing another one in honor of the Christmas Season. Click here to read other entries, or participate yourself!

Today, day 1, we are asked what our favorite Christmas movie is. I have to say White Christmas, hands down!

I have a special place in my heart for Bing Crosby, as a singer, not as a family man, and his voice is very calming! And Rosemary Clooney is BEAUTIFUL! Not your "modern" woman skinny, but I prefer her look to anything that I see in recent hollywood. Danny Kaye is a hoot, clean comedy, that even your tween aged children can understand. It doesn't hurt that most of my favorite movies have some sort of music and dancing routines either.

I love the simple message of movies from that era. Nothing overly ridicoulus. Nothing trashy. Just good fun!

I have the special edition DVD that was available at starbucks about 4 years ago. And, it was my first time away from home. I was a nanny in Maryland. It came with a bonus DVD where Rosemary Clooney talks about the "behind the scenes" things you never the blonde who plays her sister, couldn't sing a lick, so she lip-synced everything! And, on the other end of that coin, Rosemary had a LOT of trouble with the dance numbers!

If you've never seen the movie....I bet you know the song!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

We are going to try...

So, we haven't had a car payment for about a year no
w. And in that year we got used to a certain amount of wiggle room in our budget...meaning we got to go out to eat and didn't think as much about those "little purchases". Now, we have a car payment due the day after Christmas, and the next month we add another little payment to our budget for windows.

Being the planner I am, I did all the math for our regular bills and the two that we knew we were looking at, and we could do it! But, the year of playtime has made the prospect of tightening our belt rather scary! We have decided to give it a test run this payday, to see how we do with not eating out at all for 2 weeks....we are going to try very hard!

So, my list of things to make as snacks are as follows:

Oatmeal cookies
Bran muffins
Loaves of wheat bread
Pizza dough
French bread
...and maybe some other special treats as needed.

I love cooking! And my men seem to enjoy my efforts. So, let's see what I can turn out to keep is all set up at home for the next 14 days. I will let you know how we do without our "fast food". Who knows, maybe it will become our regular thing.