Monday, June 16, 2014

It's Morning Somewhere!

This week was hard on our family.  We had some sudden things happen and it threw us all off.  My husband is working through some things from his military service that are really a long process now that he's out and medical care is harder to come by.  Our youngest son will get an MRI tomorrow afternoon for a mystery knot on his bottom.  We need prayers if you please!

I used to be wary of asking for prayer for myself or my family.  Somehow I thought that God didn't want to hear from me like that.  I never saw prayer as integral to my life, let alone to my relationship with God.  Now my perspective is different.

If prayer wasn't important why would there be verses like this....Pray continually(1Thess 5:17)...I want men everywhere to lift up holy hands in prayer, without anger or disputing(1 Tim 2:8)...Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful(Col 4:2)....In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express(Rom 8:26)

Prayer is the answer to our peace. you have it?  

I am busy, a wife, a mother, and completely human.  I am guilty of not making the time for the prayer life that I need or want. I also believe that prayer and study should happen together because you need to talk and is a mutual relationship after all, He wants to talk to you!   I am a work in progess, and slowly I am figuring out what I need to do to make all of this happen daily.

Something that I think has helped me figure a few logistical things out recently is people's honesty about their own quiet time and prayer.  More than one blogger I follow, and a man at our church even(who is a pastor too, but not over our congregation), has admitted to doing these things in the middle of the day or at night.  This was such a profound thing to me.  I had always thought that if I couldn't do it in the first hours of my day that I was a failure and didn't even try later....kinda like when you cheat on your diet a little, and then you throw in the towel.  This is not the case.

You know the saying, "it's 5 O'Clock somewhere"....I would like to think that no matter what time of the day it is where I am....IT'S MORNING SOMEWHERE!  So, grab your bible...and your coffee cup too, why not...and have your time with God!  Morning, after breakfast, nap time, break time, lunch time, after your husband gets home and you can steal a moment, after the kids go to bed, last thing you do before you go to bed.  Git'er done! 

I challenge you to find your time and do it daily for a week.  It doesn't have to be the same time every day, it just needs to happen.  I also ask that you would include my family in your prayers.

Love God, Love your Husband, Love your families

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