Friday, March 25, 2011


I have heard of a lot of women recently who seem to not know how valuable they are. I don't mean they are worth money, I mean that they are WORTH more than what they settle for.

Why would you barter yourself to get what you want....they have names for that, and none are kind. Why would you allow someone to treat you as less than a person, and then still wish you were with them after they turn you out?

I spent a long time "alone" before I started dating, at least as alone as you cal be with a twin :-). I knew what I was looking for, and I knew what was going to be allowed. I also knew that if a man only valued me for things that are fleeting, like beauty or my body, that he wasn't the one that God had made for me!

They say that girls learn their value from their father. His job is to let them know they are pretty, and perfect just the way they are. And for those who have only a mom, the same can be learned from her, or even grandpa would do.

Moms, please teach your daughters to love themselves! No, I don't mean being so obsessed with yourself that you make people uncomfortable. I mean, contentment, and peace in who they are. They will choose much more wisely when they are dating if these things are in place.

Ladies, you are VALUABLE! I pray that you wait, however long it may take, and learn your own worth before you go looking for it in another's eyes. They will always see you differently than you see yourself, and sometimes their perception may be a little off.

I don't put verses from the bible here often, but this is exactly how I think we, as women, would like to be seen--Proverbs 31:10-31, THE VIRTUOUS WIFE.

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