Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Fair Weather or Foul?

I moved away from Montana four years ago. Away from friends, family, and everything I had known. I would go visit twice a year, and have been blessed to be capable of visiting my family and my husband's since we got married. But, I have BIG trouble in the friend department.

I have a few people I consider my friends here, they know who they are, and I love them for being willing to look past the things that hold other people from trying to get to know me.

I have never understood why people either like me or don't. I've been told I'm "hard to read", " you look angry all the time", "your opinions are very direct and firm" people can't appreciate knowing where they stand with someone, or where she stands on a subject is really hard for me. I will take a direct answer over a tactful lie any day!

Then comes the two categories of friends that I seem to attract. The fair weather type, and the ones who seek real friendship. You know, the type where you still talk if you make eachother angry...kinda like sisters.

I have made it my mission to branch out recently, not only to make friends but to help my husband make some too. Even though he is more focused on finding them for me, than himself, so it's my job to help him!

I guess I married someone just like me! He has just as many problems finding people who are true "friends", and also like me, they are generally between 5 and 25 years older than me when he finds them!

I know friendship comes in time, but it never seems to be our time! I see people making plans on facebook, but the invitation is never extended my direction. It just makes me feel that all my efforts are in vain, and that I may never have people like the ones I left in Montana, until we move back there someday.

Being a mom or dad, you want better for your kids. I pray that they will not feel the way my husband and I do sometimes. As if we are just always going to be eachother's only real friend, wherever we may live. Husbands are supposed to be a friend to their wife, but sometimes another female, face-to-face, is needed.

No, I don't need advice, or sypmathy. I just need a place to vent today!

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