Monday, March 28, 2011

Night and Day

A friend of mine in Maryland called my boys this when our baby man was born. Why, because one is a blonde and the other is a brunette! But, three months later I have come to see that this is also true of their personalites.

Little man is 19 months. He is the blonde, and that's one of the only reasons he looks like me. He's my binky baby, and one in the hand and one in the mouth is how he rolls! I knew from the moment I felt him move that he was going to be a tornado as soon as he could walk, and I was right. He taught himself how to push the kitchen chair to the light switch the other day, so he could turn it off....he's brilliant too! We are only beginning and I'm already scared that he may give me a run for my money.

Baby man is the brunette. He's not the life of the party like his brother, but he can make his presence known. He's my crafty one, but he's subtle about it. I much prefer them getting used to binkies instead of thumbs, so he's had one since he was born. About a month ago he started sneaking his thumb into his mouth while he was sleeping, and now it's progressed to anytime. Out comes the goes the thumb, and then he just stares at me!

He's also my cuddler. I knew this was going to be, even before he got here. When people would poke my belly to try to get him to move, he would just sit there and not perform for them. His brother, on the other hand, wanted them to stop touching him and would beat the heck out of my stomach in response...not that a baby that size can do much other than jab with an elbow, or dance on your bladder, but it still hurts some!

Two babies, who look alike in the face, but act so different. It's certainly going to be an adventure!

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