Wednesday, March 23, 2011


I've discovered that the military is kind of like one never ending test. If they aren't studying for one, either mentally or physically, they are taking one!

I'm so proud of him! He took one today, and got a really good score! Now we only have one test left to go...and then there won't be another one for 6 months. That will be the longest he's gone without some kind of test for some time now.

My husband is enlisted, and is going to start working on a degree, but he's spent almost all of his first enlistment in one training or another. I don't understand how this can be, but it's just how it's worked out.

He has not deployed yet, but again, that's because of all the studying and testing he's had to do. I know that as soon as his current testing is over the airforce is going to make him "pay up", and then he's going to be deployed.

I'm praying that he gets this chance, he has been wanting to go, and things kept getting in the way. No, he doesn't want to leave me and our boys, but his thinking is that its his duty...and grudgingly I admit that he's right. It's what he signed up for, and as his wife, I hope he gets his chance soon.

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