Sunday, March 27, 2011


Oh how I miss the days when honesty came easily...this would be somewhere between birth and 1st grade. For some reason first grade is the turning point for some, they turn into, for lack of a better word, liars.

I know I lied to my mother, I've had the discipline to prove it, but I try hard to not lie to people. Honesty is the best policy, haven't we all heard that?

In this time people have a hard time with honest people. They are looked upon as either rude or pushy if someone doesn't like what they say, or they are praised for faning someone's pride. I guess I have been percieved both ways, generally the rude and pushy side. My thinking is...don't ask me the question if you don't want me to answer it!

Thankfully my husband, as he puts it, is also "as subtle as a chainsaw" and doesn't critique my answers to his questions. He tells me what he thinks and I tell him what I think. If we disagree it's with love, and will be gotten over shortly.

My least favorite part of this lack of honesty epidemic is when people do something in response to your comment, and you find out that they have "erased" you from their sphere of friends. I guess it's their loss, but it still is a rotten thing to do....especially after they tell you it was ok!

I can't abide liars, now, or ever. I will teach our children to say what they mean and mean what they say. I know they will come across people who act similar to the one who "kicked me out" of their life over a misunderstanding on their part, but that will show them who their real friends are, and real friends are hard to find.

1 comment:

  1. Hey my gorgeous cousing, I too am often scolded for being rude, not understanding, lacking compassion, and being to blunt. I agree with you though honesty is always the best policy. Marc tells me that hes never me anyone as blunt as I am, of course he hasnt had the oppurtunity to meet all of my family yet. Dont worry about fair weather friends, its their loss for sure and if they are that fickle you dont need them in your life anyway, your true friends love you no matter what and will always be there no matter what may fly out of your mouth. Good Luck Love you very much. Tell Allan hello from our family and hug the boys!
