Friday, March 11, 2011

Things I have learned about boys

Everyone has their own opinion about which gender of child is "harder" to raise. Hard being a judgement based on which child they had more struggles with. But, since I only have boys at this time, I will tell you what I have learned about them in my 2 years of mommyhood.....

....Boys, and men in general, produce much more laundry than females. Yes, I do take into account the fact that we have a newborn and cloth diapers. I grew up in a house of females, and in a house with 4 women there were always more white briefs and t-shirts in the laundry than our stuff.

....Boys are just as sensitive as girls. There is nothing wrong with crying when you are sad or hurt!

....Boys believe that everything that is higher than the floor is a "step" and MUST BE USED! This is an absolute must!

....Boys can find something you hid while they were napping, even if you hid it in a "parent only zone"

....Boys are born with a need to be like their daddy. If my husband crosses his arms, our little man crosses his.

....Boys have two first loves. Trains and cars!

....And to finish

my list...Cammo completes any outfit!

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