Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Little kids...boys and girls...dream of being a super hero. But when we grow up we realize that we can't be. BUT WAIT! What is the job description of a mommy, or a daddy?

1. Carry the baby in your body for as long as you can/to the delivery (sorry dads this one doesn't apply)
2. Let your needs go by the wayside to take care of your mini-human
3. Stay up to make sure the fever isn't going any higher, and cuddling them so they get rest
4. Kissing boo-boos, and bandaging wounds...even though blood may make u queasy
5. Rubbing their back and holding the bowl when they have the flu

....the list is endless, but the evidence proves that to someone you are a super hero! And you get paid in kisses, hugs, and "i love yous"...sounds great!! Have a great day super heros!

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