Monday, February 7, 2011

I'm Scared...

I'm scared...
....That we are moving across the globe
....that my husband may have to leave before we do
....I may have to travel with both boys by myself
....that TMO will lose or break our stuff
....that I won't get to talk to my family much while we are overseas
....I may not know what to do without my cell phone in my purse (yes this is a little stressful for me, even though at the same time I don't know why it is?)
....our boys, and any other babies we have, won't know their family
....a typhoon will come over Guam while we are there
....that the people who are going to rent our house are going to be deadbeats who will either trash it, or not pay their rent
....that I won't make any friends (it took me 2 years here to make some)
.....that I'm not as strong as I think I am

1 comment:

  1. hope this helps a little....
    ...the travel is long but you get through it. does happen that things get broken but just watch them put your stuff in the crates and make sure they seal them correctly.
    ...magic jack is everyones best friend out here. We get to talk to family as much as we want.
    ...there are cell phone service out here just like in the states (just not the same companies) and some plans include calling back to the states.
    ...there has not been a typhoon in a long time, but they prepare you for what you will need and what to expect.
    ...I found many friends through the great enlisted spouse club here. Because we are so far from our family and friends people seem to make their own out here and are very supportive.
    ...YOU CAN DO THIS!!!
