Ok military spouses I'm confused. How come so many of you don't know what squadron your spouse is in, or the job that he does?
I must be really nosy because I have known both of those since we were dating! I've gone to two spouse events since I got married, and both times the question of what our husbands do came up. I was completely shocked!
My aunt is a retired navy wife, and when I was engaged I remember her telling my mom to make sure that I KNEW what I needed to. How to read an LES, how to contact my husband, etc...and as soon as I could, I did. There was no way that I was going to wait for "permission" to know things...if I needed it, I found it out.
If you are new to being a military spouse, or don't have this type of information...GO GET IT! Take the spouse classes, attend briefings, ask questions. Doing these things makes it easier when your spouse is not home to navigate the waters for you.
When my husband was gone and I needed help, I called his squadron...you are their "responsibility" when he/she isn't home. They will mow your lawn, handle finance issues with you, and if you believe that you are about to have a meltdown...they will get you a tiny break from being the sole caregiver for you kids and get you a couple hours of babysitting.
Please don't be afraid to be your own advocate!
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