Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Moms list

There's an unwritten list of duties for moms. Wether you work or not, there are things that are yours to complete. In my experience these things are: cooking (unless your husband is a chef, or you can burn water), cleaning, first aid, chaffeur, maid, doctor, teacher, and many more.

Somewhere under all these hats you wear is YOU. Sometimes YOU feel like you've been overlooked. No, its not just your husband, or your kids, it can also be friends and extended family too.

That's how I'm feeling today, lost in the hats. Overlooked by the people that mean the most to me.

I love being so needed by my men, but sometimes I need some taking care of too. Like the other day, I was sick, and its the first time in our marriage that asked my husband to stay home so that I could rest. It was not to be, I was deemed "not important enough" for my husband to stay home for, by his supervisor.

I know that almost all would say, "that's just the military", but after almost three years as a military wife I don't buy that excuse anymore. From what I've seen, the military makes things happen when they WANT to.

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