Thursday, February 10, 2011

I'm sorry

Last night my husband told me we weren't going to Guam anymore....let's just say I have told him not to ask me "what I'm thinking?" When I am being silent, and here's why. I know me pretty well, I spent a lot of years just by myself, and when I'm silent it means I am trying not to say anything because it may not be kind...and once it comes out you can't take it back!

Last night, I opened my mouth. This was not a good idea; and therefore I hurt his feelings. I believe in telling the truth, and sometimes the truth is best left in your head.

This morning I needed to apologize to my husband. I think that if you can't say you are sorry to your spouse that there's way too much pride there...and maybe it needs to be deflated! I was reminded through my husband...through someone who I've talked to about saying things you don't mean, or intend to follow through with (thank-you, I know you read my blog).

I'm not perfect...I say things that hurt sometimes, I make mistakes, I'm a worrier who generally sees the worst. But, I'm me, and as my husband told the person who reminded me of my own advice to her; he knew that I was not acting like the person he knows last night, so he just loved me in spite of my outburst and forgave me...even though I hadn't said the words yet.

I'm so blessed to have him...and I am sorry I let my mouth override my brain.

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