Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Money Hungry

I am constantly confused and frustrated by what we teach our kids. More and more "research" is telling us to teach our younger, and younger kids about money.

Why do we need to teach a kindergartener about stocks and bonds, and instilling in him a form of money hunger? All this does is place too much importance on something that shouldn't be that important.

Yes, I know we need money to live....but we shouldn't be living for money! My husband and I can pay our bills, which is a blessing, but we know our limits. I love how people complain about this recession, but they have taken a "do as I say not as I do" approach, and tell their kids they are having a hard time...and then they go buy a flat screen!

I don't think we need to teach them about money, they will certainly learn that soon enough. I think we need to teach them how to prioritize and live within their means.

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