Monday, May 23, 2011


24 years...yes, that is how old I am as of Friday. May 20,2011 at 2:02am I officially was one year older!

this time last year I was about pregnant with this handsome man...we didn't even know that he was a HE yet :-). Now, he's a happy 5 month old, who thinks that all is not right in the world unless mommy or daddy are holding him. Yes, I guess we are now trained....but I love the fact that he wants to cuddle!

And this handsome man has grown as well. He is now a self-sufficient 21 month old. Well, he thinks he can do everything anyway. If he could say "me do", he would!

My oldest handsome man has now been my love for 4 years. He met me right after I turned really doesn't seem that long! But, in our 4th year he did something he has never done before....

He bought me REAL flowers! He doesn't like to give me gifts that won't be here in a month, so when he has gotten me flowers before they have been those wooden roses...I love those too, but he bought me daisies. I LOVE DAISIES!!!!

AND, for the first time since we have met he was WITH me for my birthday!!! This is the big one. The first year we were too far apart for him to be with me on that day, our first year of marriage he was TDY, our second year of marriage he left for tech school 7 days before my birthday, so...this was a special day!!! Thank You hunee!

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