Wednesday, December 29, 2010

To share, or not to share?

I was watching the news this morning, and one of the saddest things I've ever seen was one of the top stories. A man is being prosecuted for accessing his wife's email!
Now, I remember my wasn't that long ago...and I have seen some successful marriages, and some that didn't make it. A common trend in the ones who have lasted is that they shared...not just what was on their minds, but EVERYTHING! How do people come to the conclusion that your husband or wife doesn't have the right to look at your emails? My husband asks me for my passwords all the time, and guess what? I'm not irritated or offended, and I don't assume that he's snooping.
My prayer for my marriage and the marriages of our country is that we get back to basics. Back to a time where we don't need a "power of attourney" just to check on a loan that our husbands have leftover from their bachelor days. I pray that we choose to share our lives with our spouses!

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