Thursday, December 16, 2010

Needs vs wants...knowing the difference

We live in an "I want..." world, especially around Christmas. Christmas has got to be the greediest holiday ever! All the commercials talk about what people want, not what they need, and they make a man who buys his wife the vacum she has wanted for 2 years...because he found an awesome sale...look like a great big insensitive pig. What have we done?
My husband and myself have a system; if its not normally on the list, we discuss it BEFORE we go to the store. We know that some of the biggest fights couples have is over money, and it shouldn't be that way. Why argue about something that isn't going to go away?
My husband is a self-proclaimed impulse he doesn't carry the cash...he let's me. If he needs it, we talk about it. Now he says that he feels as if he has more because we are a team about our finances. He helps me to relax a little and splurge on a "want" every now and then, and he says I help him determine if its a "need". I wish this type of teamwork could be taught, but unfortunately its something you have to work on as a couple, over time.

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