Thursday, December 23, 2010

He's here!

Our plan was to be induced at 6am on the 21st of december...and as most know, plans do not always go the way you think.
At 2:30 am on the 21st, my water broke while in bed at home, so I woke my husband out of a dead sleep, and we started to get in gear to go to the hospital. I love how they have to "make sure" your water broke, even when it just doesn't stop when it's your water. The movies make it seem like it's one gush and then the fawcet turns off, but THEY LIE! I had the mommy diaper(an old towel) until I could get to the hospital and then I got to sit on a pad all day.
Every labor has its adventures...I asked for an epidural...and almost 3 hours later, the anestheiologists showed up. I guess there were 2 emergency c-sections right after I asked for pain meds. I'm so blessed with a husband who tried everything he could think of to help me relax. He kept telling me I was doing a good job, and that he was proud of me. He even stayed with me and held my hand when they gave me the epidural, even though needles scare him. I wish everyone had that kind of support.
Three hours later, my husband got to help guide our second son into the world! He's 8lbs 11oz and 21 inches of cuddly boy, and if you put blonde hair on him, he's the carbon copy of his older brother!
I am a blessed woman! I have been given gifts of three handsome men in my life, so far, and amazingly they think I'm one of the best gifts in their lives too. I hope everyone's Christmas week started off as good as ours did. We went from a family of 3, to a family of 4 and it doesn't get any better than that.

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