Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Cloth diaper chronicles...

When we found out we were going to have our first son, my husband and I decided to use cloth. At that time we knew another military family who used them for their twins and we decided that brand looked promising. Fuzzibunz onesize, THEY ARE AWESOME!
When it comes to diapering people don't think about their options; at least I didn't. You see everyone using "sposies", as the cloth diapering mommys call them, and you just assume that is what is best and natural. When my husband and I told people we were going with cloth, they all told us that we were wasting our money and that I would change my mind after the first mom was the only one who knew how driven I can be, and she just said that she knew I was going to use them. My twin sister even called me a hippie, and argued with me about it, but now she has a 7 week old daughter and guess what she asked her sister for?....the same cloth diapers that I use :-)
Don't get me wrong, I have taken "bag breaks"...where I buy the smallest bag of sposies I can find and use it til it gone, but it was usually because the power was out or the washer or dryer wasn't working where I was.
Now we have two babies who will be in cloth. I am a fan of some cloth diapering Facebook pages, and one of them just posted a link about making your own all-in-2 cloth diapers, so I'm going to see if I can whip some out to use on our wee one, until his big brother is out of the fuzzibunz...wish me luck!

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