Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Put your heart into it...

When we went to visit family last Christmas we stopped by my cousin's house. She has three boys, and stays home to take care of, and school them. The morning after we got there she made these awesome muffins, and told me about her blog so I could find the recipe. (assortment is the name of her blog)...I looked at it and got several recipes, not to mention a healthy dose of inspiration.
What I thought, and continue to see, is that she put her whole heart into everything to do with her family. From planning birthday parties to the simplest of tasks...making food.
I realized that's what's missing in most of our daily life...our heart! No, I don't mean romance, I mean joy and sacrifice. We have a hard time doing thing just because we can without expecting a little return for our sacrifice. That's not how we show our heart, and I'm resolved to try in everything I do for my boys and my husband, to put my whole heart in it! I may fall short some days, but trying is what makes all the difference.

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