Our son is a VERY busy boy. He's been busy since he was in the womb. And like any busy baby he must act his age, and do things just to see what will happen
TRIAL: what happens when I try to slide out of bed through the the ladder at the end?
ERROR: Toddler heads cannot fit through the slats in the ladder, and u will be stuck until mommy and daddy come help get you out.
* there is now netting over all slats on his bed, he can no longer get through them
TRIAL: Hopping down off of the pew at church without help is going to be awesome!
ERROR: When getting off the pew, if you don't want help, make sure you hold onto something or you will fall
*he caught himself with his forehead, and cut it open
TRIAL: I don't want to sit in my carseat, I think I will get out!
ERROR: Seats are not negotiable...just like seat belts.
As you can see we have "learning" coming out of our ears in our house...
HAHA! This cracks me up! Reminds me of Sarah...Now what is going to happen with Sofia!? She is busier than Sarah ever was at her age! YIKES!