Friday, January 7, 2011

Sprinting...not jogging

2 days ago my hubby got orders for an overseas duty station. We had no idea, which is generally the case I'm told. Now this would be fine, except the orders were supposed to have been given to him in early December, but mysteriously they got do you lose papers like that? This is not the first time someone got orders in the military, you would think they would have the routine down.
So, with the loss of the orders for a month, we are now having to cut what should have been a 2 1/2 month process down to 1 1/2....we are in a literal SPRINT to the finish line!
We bought a house here a year and a half ago and need to rent it out because we have no time to dink around with selling it...and I'm hoping that the horrors I've heard of from people who rent don't happen with us. I'm hoping that we have the best tenants we could ever ask for! Clean, not destructive, and with a steady job.
We also have another hurdle to overcome...the dreaded bi-annual PT test! This has been a huge source of stress for us for the last 2 years. I'm really praying about this! I am going to ask for all who read this to do the same, please! His test is Monday, this could make or break our current situation, depending on wether he passes or fails. The new standards are causing trouble all over the airforce.
Our third hurdle is going to be our paperwork! The paperwork to give me and our boys clearance to go with my husband. With this lovely time crunch that we have been put into...I may be traveling internationally with a toddler and an infant on my own!
Sorry to unload my fears on you, but my husband feels the weight of this on his shoulders as it is, and he would feel even more if I told him how worried I am about this whole thing. I'm not worried about moving, I'm just worried that either his dream of an overseas station will be taken away because of the results of his PT test, or he will have to go on ahead of us because the paperwork for the three of us doesn't go through in time.
If you pray, PLEASE pray for us!

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