Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Our Special Boys

Yesterday we had a lot of running around to do. We did finally get the word that we ARE going to PCS. And tagging along with mommy and daddy were two little boys.

We have such awesome boys! I hear all the time whenever we go out "they are so calm", "he's such a good boy", "wow, I wish mine would take a nap when we are out!". Not to mention the constant "you have such handsome boys"...but we can save that for another post :-)...and I'm biased!

My husband and I discussed our "parenting plan" before our babies were here. Our expectations are simple...#1-obedience, yes we realize that our sons have a mind of their own, but there's still room to teach them to listen the first time wether they want to or not. #2-love, love is important in our house, and it comes in many forms...sometimes its a hug, but sometimes love means discipline. We do swat our the modern term for this is "corporal punishment", which I find ridiculous! My mother swatted my behind, and her Momma did the same to her, and guess what? WE LIVED! In my opinion this is a tried and true method of correction, and if done in love, and cultivates respect of others. I'm 23 years old, and I still respect my mother...and would still let her swat me if she thought I needed it.

These two simple "rules" encompass everything. Our oldest son knows his boundaries, and our youngest is at the beginning of the process of learning them. Even at two very different stages in their lives our boys can still learn to follow our "rules", and both are very secure and loving because of it.

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