Saturday, November 19, 2011 new motivator

I don't think of myself as a silence type of a person. I don't like quiet, as I have been an identical twin my whole existence, and been around small children in some way or another for a large portion of my life. Silence meant I was alone, which I don't like, or that a child was getting into something...we mommy-type people can attest to this! Silence is really the most frightening sound...or lack of our little worlds!

But, I guess I'm growing up at the age of 24! I have started to try silence on at points during my day. I usually have the TV going in the background, as my adult "conversation" during the times that Blue's clues, veggie tales, and Go Diego Go! are not being watched by our little man. But, recently I have taken to turning it completely off when the boys are down for their naps, or put it on the music channel when one of their shows is off. Little man loves music, and will randomly start dancing if the beat is to his liking....I love how he dances! No, rhythm at all, just groovin to the beat in his head!

So, silence is growing on me...unless it's dark out and my husband is working. I don't fall asleep with a nightlight, or a bear...I fall asleep with the TV on, usually on the couch, and he wakes me up when he gets home and sends me to my room!

This silence has actually improved my productivity during the day. I seem to get more accomplished, which has been helping my mood significantly. And I find that it really is rather soothing.

I guess growing up can suprise you. You do things you never thought you could, and enjoy things that you don't really understand.

If you were like me, and feeling unmotivated, try silence! I found that the hardest part was breaking my habit of having background noise. Yes, I still need it more often than not, but I am learning to enjoy the times where it is my only companion.

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