Thanksgiving is three days away. When you picture it what do you see? Lots of family, for the men probably some football, for the women cooking and cleaning up. Thanksgiving really is a rather lazy holiday. But it always seems to sneak up on me, now that we are away from family. Every year that we have been on our own, I have had to look up when it is, as I was always used to just being told when we were expected at our grandparents' house.
Thanksgiving never seemed to come fast enough then, now I feel as if I never have enough time to make the day what I would like it to be. A day full of people, not all related to us, cooking and enjoying company. I want to decorate, and feel like I made it pretty. But, so far it hasn't happened that way.
This is only the second thanksgiving that I am going to do by myself, but I'm going to see if I can make it a little bit more like what I'm looking for. So, decorations...I may need to search a little for things that our boys won't destroy too quickly. Food, I think I've got that covered. People, it will be just the 4 of us this year. And for my husband's, but I think he has that one covered too.
So, I have three days...lets see what I can do.
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