Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

2:17 am- can't sleep so I'm just passing the time until I can, and it dawned on me that it's actually Thanksgiving day already!

So, from me to you, "Happy Thanksgiving!" I hope you have a marvelous day filled with joy and fun. I would say family and friends, but I know that may not be the case for everyone. Our families are east and west of us, and our friends have their own celebrating they are it will be the 4 of us this year.

I have a lot of blessings in my life! I have a husband, who has a job, and two handsome little men with him. In march we have another little blessing, our daughter will make her appearance, and turn all my men into even bigger protectors of the ladies in their lives! How lucky for her that she has 3 men looking out for her in her future...she may not appreciate it sometimes, but someday she will! We have a house, a car, food, and little netflix! Blue's clues is on our little man's list of things he's thankful for this year!

With all the things that we have, I am sad to say we always long for more, so instead of a new year's resolution, I think a Thanksgiving resolution may be more appropriate this year...To be content in what we have TODAY! To appreciate the things that we often overlook, to enjoy the little victories and ignore the setbacks. To have more faith, in all things, and less worry....worrying is a big thing for me!

I want to live a life of appreciation! Looking in my own little circle, I see things that others long for, and I have! I guess that once you don't have to long for something, the longing you used to have is just forgotten. I don't want to be like that. I need to start saying "thank you LORD" the way I used to..even for the things that seem ordinary...I was a much happier person then. I have been described as miserable recently and I don't like it at all!

So, Thanksgiving resolution it is this year, not New year's! Have a happy and blessed day!

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