Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Hitting Reset

I've been on a break...not really by any real decision on my part, but by the fact that life has gotten in my way. I have come to the conclusion that I really do need to blog. It's not just a place to publish's my online outlet. And, since I am homebound about 90% of the time now...not by my own decision either...this is what I have!

In the time since I haven't blogged we found out the gender of baby be shown in a later post ;-). I have officially entered the second half of my pregnancy as well.

We also found out that contradiction is the name of the game with my husband's leadership...and that, for doing the right thing, we are going to be punished for an undetermined length of time. This means that my husband has been on night shift for 7 months, and because someone doesn't think that another person in his shop can behave himself if they are on the same shift, my husband gets the crappy shift! Yep, it's stupid!

Our big man is on his way to being a potty-trained boy...but I think our floors shudder every time we take the pull ups off! He's doing very well for day 4!

And our baby man finally learned to clap yesterday! It's amazing to see how many times they repeat an action just so that you will say "yeah!" I think we did it over a hundred times yesterday!

So, I'm hitting the reset button! I'm going to make an effort to blog more, I may complian less...but it's going to depend on the day, and as my blog is really the only other adult to talk to in the room most days...I guess it may just get it! Feel free to disagree, comment, or ask questions. I really do wonder who reads this sometimes!

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