Monday, July 4, 2011

Sweet Talkin'

My husband may not seem very eloquent. He won't win a spelling bee...his words, not mine, because I know he has a mind like a steel trap. But, sometimes, he says exactly what the "needy, insecure wife" in my know the one that takes over your body and makes you sound like a shrew sometimes when you feel that they have taken you for granted, or you think that they don't like you anymore....really needs to hear. The best part is that he does it without me even asking, or "fishing" as I call it.

Today, in the bathroom(you would be amazed how many great conversations you can have as a married couple in the bathroom), He sat on the edge of the tub and I asked him if he felt like I was aksing him to help me too much when he was not working. He said that I have the hardest job between the two of us....he spent time alone with the kids recently, ALL DAY, with no one helping him. When I came home that day he was very suprised that I do all that I do.

He has never complained about he house being too dirty, or dishes in the sink, or me still being in my pajamas some days when he gets home from work. He takes it all in stride, and just says, "I love you!" I am so thankful God made him for me! We may not always have "good" days, but our "bad" days are so overshaddowed by the good that once they have passed we really don't remember what we were upset about...Don't you love those arguments, the ones that you can't remember why they were so important to you?

Women, sit back and watch for the sweet talkin' moments. They come and go, but when they are here they are SO worth it! Who knows, maybe yours will be in the bathroom too :-)! Men, anything you can find to compliment your wife on is never too small or insignificant! It can be how she made the mashed potatoes, or that she didn't complain when you flipped from her show to your sports channel, for once, but don't add the "for once" on the end...anything counts and nobody is keeping score!

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