Saturday, July 23, 2011

Negative and Positive

I have a pet peeve. It has to do with the descriptive terms "negative" and "positive". I know they have to do with math, and polarity, but they have evolved into a description of people's behavoir.

Anything that they don't like is negativity and anything they like is positivity. I find this to be a cop-out. It is generally used so that people don't have to actually address specific behavior and generalize it instead. And at the end they usually add something like "we need to act like adults"...well lets try this shoe on for size....adults address problems! Not just generalize them so that you don't have to confront someone. Why make everyone feel like you are being mean and that you never do anything wrong ever!

This is especially said amongst people in the military. We are the "free to be you and me military"...unless you are in uniform, of course. But, the spouses must always act politely to eachother, or they are ostracised and ignored like yesterday's garbage.

I don't believe in negativity or positivity...I believe in right and wrong! I believe that if you have a problem with something and you make such a generalization to a group about "someone's" behavior that you need to either explain it, or keep it to yourself because otherwise it makes you look like a jerk! And using such strong arming tactics as deleting people who won't adhere to your precious "guidelines" because they didn't meet your standards is wrong and rude! It creates and atmosphere of fear, and we fear enough as military spouses....we shouldn't do such things to eachother!

Have I been deleted from such groups, no, but I think that recent comments have made me consider distancing myself from the groups who have placed such restrictions on members. We are eachother's support! And we can't do that if we are so busy trying to control everything that we miss the opportunities.

Are there some out to make trouble? Always! Should they be dealt with? If they can't be looked over, yes! Treating eachother better than you treat yourself shouldn't be the "golden rule" as we teach our kids, it should just's like breathing! You have to think about don't have to think about breathing!

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