Sunday, July 17, 2011

How will I be with three?

Less than one week after finding out about our blessing, and this question has been asked a lot. How will I be with three babies, instead of two? I would like to say that I would be just as I am right now, but I would be wrong.

I have discovered that love and skill multiply with multiple babies. The more self-sufficient your older ones, the less you have to worry, right? Wrong! There is a "flow" you have to learn when you get a new little being in your life. You literally have to re-learn how to make things go, and because babies are adaptable, they will be swept along.

I believe that is why people adhere to the two-year baby schedule. They believe that getting one out of diapers, or nearly out, will make their adjustment that much easier. In my own experience, this either works or it doesn't. Sometimes the older one regresses, and then you are more frustrated than when u began.

I'm not worried about my laundry pile, my grocery bill, or even my sanity. I know that if God thinks he can trust me with a new life, then he will "re-wire" me to be able to do what I need to for them. Yes, I do know "how to prevent this", as more and more have been asking, and yes I am VERY excited. Will it be easy, certainly not! Will it be worth every diaper and teen-aged argument, YOU BET! Will I be the mother I planned on being? No, I will be the mother I was MEANT to be!

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