Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Dog House

Long before I got married I can remember my mother telling me and my sisters that ," in mine, and daddy's house, there is NO DOG HOUSE!" At the time I didn't know how important this idea would be in my own marriage, but it has become so. So, I will say it for myself our marriage there is no dog house!

People use this "dog house" as a weapon to get their spouse...usually the bend to their own will or to punish them. I can remember our first married thanksgiving, where a woman kept throwing that threat at her husband, and I had only been a wife for two weeks and I felt sad for him!

It's not funny, or a joke, to threaten to kick your husband out of your room or your bed! That room, and that bed, are joint custody. You have no right to kick him out and he has no right to kick you out!

How can you grow together, or get over a disagreement if you refuse to be near eachother? I am not a "seasoned" spouse, but I have learned in my short time being married that the only way to grow together is to BE together!

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