Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I Gave In

I was determined with our first son to exclusively breastfeed...then my son grew 3 inches in two months and didn't gain as much as they Doctor wanted, and we started supplementing with formula. Our second son has proven to be more like his big brother than I thought.

He had his 4 month appointment on friday, and he grew 3 inches in the last two months! He is also just a few ounces heavier than his brother was at this age! Yes I realize I may have just had twins 16 months apart :-).

I have been trying, again, to exclusively breastfeed, but he is starting to follow in the footsteps of his big brother with his inattentive behavior in regards to feedings. He keeps trying to get his thumb in his mouth while I'm feeding him, and I'm starting to worry that he's not getting enough to eat. Tonight I finally gave in. I gave him a bottle of formula!

I know how it is to plan how you are going to be when you have a baby, but as my mom likes to remind me....babies have a way of changing your plans. They are tiny people, with great big ideas of how things are going to happen. And, when you finally give into thier idea, and they fall asleep and don't cry off and on, you realize that you may have done something right! No, you're not a "bad parent" for trying to do what you thought was best. No, it's not bad that you waited and tried to exhaust you options. No, it's not going to harm them for you to give in every now and then....

My son's contentment is my reward for going against my original plan...and that is good enough for me!

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