Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Testing Day

A couple days ago now, my husband took his PT test. This was THE test....the last chance for him to pass and stay in the military, which is his dream, or fail and be discharged. HE PASSED!

My husband is awesome! He worked so hard to make this happen!

I have been to every test since we got married, and every time I am the only spouse there. At first I thought I might get into trouble for being there, but I quickly found out that they couldn't stop me even if they wanted to...this from the mouth of a captain :-)....I love it when they are on my side!

I've been there pregnant, with a baby in my arms, and the other day I had three kiddos with me. Ladies, if I can do it, so can you! I do it because my husband needs me there. I'm his helpmate, and if all I can be is a presence, then I believe it is my job to be there. He told me once that he feels like he's showing off for me when I'm there, any hey if it helps then that is great!

Every test I stand on the opposite side of the track, and tell him what the time is, and tell him he's doing a good job. As he put it the other day we, our sons and myself, are his cheering section. Our little man claps for daddy as he goes by :-).

Nobody ever commented on me being there until of the female airmen told me," way to support your husband!" That was a suprise.

I know that some women have jobs, or other things going on, but military spouses....THEY NEED YOU THERE! They may say that they don't, but I would guess that most would find that it does help to see the face of the one they love on the other side of the track. My husband told me that he initialy felt odd having me there, but then he had a few men comment on how I came there, and that they wished their wives would do that. Now, I don't think those guys ever asked their spouses, because they didn't want to appear "needy", but I bet their scores would have improved if they had!

Ladies...and gentleman married to military your husbands every chance you get! We can't be there for training, or deployments. We can't talk to leadership when they discipline our husbands, but this is something we CAN DO! Someday, I would like to have another spouse....or 10....standing next to me, come join me!


  1. AMEN! that's how you support your husband nicole :-) way to go!

  2. Way to be Nicole! I wish my hubs would tell me in advance when his tests or anything for that matter is.....then I could plan my work schedule/appts around it so we could be there!

  3. Way to be there for him Nicole. I wish my hubs would tell me in advance so we could plan appts/my work schedule around his big testing days as well. BUT we both know hes a terd, but a terd. LOL
