Thursday, January 19, 2012

Our "Curfew"

Now that my husband is on day shift we have implimented a new "us time" in our home. Every night at 8:30 we have decided that we are not going to call anyone or get on the computer or game consoles. Netflix on our TV through the PS3 doesn't count because we watch movies...but video games are not allowed.

My husband and I have had a hard time having alone time while he was on swing shift because every time he was home, our babies were awake. So, we are now blessed with a somewhat normal schedule and therefore more time as just the two of us...and we are taking advantage of it!

I know, to some it seems unreasonable, but we are trying it on anyway. It doesn't mean that we shut the whole night down every day at that time, it just means that we make a concious effort to just be together without the things that we know distract us normally. I would encourage you to do it sometime!

We started this week, but I can already feel the tension that we have been feeling for a while melting away. This is going to be essential to our upcoming deployment. It's our first one, and we both don't want it tainted by animosity or frustration as much as we can avoid.

Go tech-free sometime, you may find you actually like it!

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