Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Winds of Change

Nearly three years ago "change" came into our white house. Promises, some too good to be true in a first term...and other enacted before they were properly assessed. I can say that my husband and I didn't get a voice in this because we got married 3 days before "change" was elected, and by the time we got home the polls were closed.

I didn't know it then, but a Target was painted on our military and their families that night. We became expendable!

Our pay has almost been stopped twice now and "change" just stood by and let us be on the chopping block. "Change" tried to freeze our pay somewhere in the middle of those two scares as well so that we don't get the benefit of raises like every other government employee. And now "change" has decided that if he can't get us while we are in, that getting us while we are out is the next best thing. "change" wants to do away with our pay and healthcare benefits when our spouses retire!

I don't know about your spouse, but mine chose this way of life so that our future health needs were secured. It wasn't all about the pension..Even though that is on the block too. Why are we letting "change" do all of these things? Why is the greatest military in the world letting one person take away every benefit we have?

If some of the things "change" wants happen, my family will suffer for it. Our hopes of me being the one home with our babies will vanish, and so will the future that we thought was secure. We spend wisely, and save more than 10% of our income in some form, but I don't think that will be enough if things go down the path they are headed.

As a mother, wife, and a part of the military team, I am asking that you look beyond race...beyond promises...beyond the novelty of "change". I ask you to look at the PEOPLE he has deemed EXPENDABLE! If your family was among those in this group you would detest "change" too!

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