In the last couple days I have been thinking a lot about the future of our me it looks rather scary, but I pray that I am very wrong and that my own children don't have to pay for the mistakes of presidencies current and future.
What got me was the new push to make insurance pay for birth control. Now, I know you can currently get it free or reduced from some places, and that condoms are passed out to young teens like candy. But, to make this a requirement will only cause more problems.
I chose not to take birth control. No, I'm not irresponsible, and I do know that means that I can get pregnant "by accident". My sister took it for a short period in her marriage and I asked her husband to change her mind....let's just say that sharing a room with her for 19 years I knew something wasn't right with her. And when she got off of it she was MUCH better.
This miracle pill poisons us and our babies....have you noticed the rise in health problems since this became as common as a vitamin? And as someone who doesn't believe in "unintended" babies, I would be very upset if I miscarried because of taking it.
When I mentioned these things on a news station Facebook page, I was reprimanded by a woman with 4 kids. She said I "looked young"...I've heard that before and it is always the start of a conversation with someone who thinks you couldn't possibly know anything because they are older than you. If you are going to argue...make sure you argue fair! She told me that I need to be open to my children and their needs, and if I'm not, that they are going to resent me and not want to talk. She also told me that "in a perfect world" teaching abstinence is a great idea but this is not a perfect world. So, I guess that was my hint from her that my idea is right up there with some sort of utopian society.
I'm not the pot, and I'm not the kettle...I practiced what I preach! Abstinence was a superb form of birth control...I had no babies before I got married! And all of my babies have the same daddy. It doesn't make me any better than anyone, it just means that it worked for me.
Before you take your kids out to get those things to "protect" them please consider that even in an imperfect world people still have self control and a desire to not have anymore heartbreak than is necessary before they are with their forever love.
I know my babies will go their own way, and I would rather teach them the way I was than give them the easy way out.
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