Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Taking it Back!

Our church has been talking about taking back what has been stolen from you by the devil. It could be a relationship, a vice, your faith, and maybe even your heart. Claiming the thing that was stolen in Jesus name and taking it back! So, today I declare that I am taking it back!

  I am taking back the scattered pieces of my heart. And, I give them back to my #1 and my #2 just as it was intended to be.

I am taking back my faith, I WILL have faith that God knew exactly what he was doing from the moment I was concieved. I believe that He is leading me even now to do the hardest things I have ever had to do in my life.

I am taking back my family. There are many things that have tried to work towards tearing us apart recently, and I refuse to let it go. It is mine!

I am taking back my love. I will not let my fears keep me from loving.

I am taking back my JOY. My mom told my twin sister once to "find her joy" when we were in high school, and she did just that...I think its time I do that myself.

There are seasons according to the bible. Sowing, and reaping. Right now I believe our family is in a sowing time. Planting the seeds of faith, trust, love, grace, peace, forgiveness, patience, long-suffering, and understanding. We are growing in some ways, but waiting in others. And, I know with a certainty that doesn't come from myself that when we reap this harvest it will surpass our wildest dreams.

Don't ever be afraid to take back what the devil has stolen....everything he has, he took from you!

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