Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Real Love

I remember asking my mom when I was dating my husband, "Do you think I'm in Love?" Obviously, never having a boyfriend or a crush that I could recall, I really had no idea what love should feel like. Eventually, as Mothers have forever I would imagine, she answered, "yes, I think you are", and that made me more sure of myself. I knew I loved him, but I wanted her opinion as I did then and do now.

I have looked at marriages around me rise and fall. The tiniest bit of a bad wind and POOF whatever love they thought they had evaporated like the air trapped in a disturbed souffle. And it has made me wonder if my own love was a true love, or was it just not tested by fire yet.

My fire has come, and you know what I discovered? I love my husband! I love him when I'm happy with him, I love him when I am so hurt that I feel ovewhealmed by it. I love him when he deserves it, and I love him when he doesn't.

We all know this verse:  

This is the outline that we look to for marriage, and it is a very great explaination of Love. But, I have added my own extention based on my marriage...

Real love leaves its dreams and never looks back. It fights with everything it has to the end! And it forgives, even hurts so deep you think you couldn't possibly. It dreams of the future, but learns from the past. And it doesn't seek vengence, but chooses to impart grace. It looks for the little things, and then praises them for the tiny miracles they are.

I know now that the love I feel for my husband is Real Love!

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