Saturday, September 29, 2012

To Nickname, or not to Nickname...

I never had an offical "nickname" as a child. I got called by my twin sister's name, or "twin", anad "half dime" or "Nickle" by my papaw. But, nothing that could be deemed a consistent nickname. I guess I'm just plain Nicole!

But, as my children are growing, I am starting to call them things in my head. No, nothing mean. Just little things that describe their personality and remind me of them.

My oldest is my Fire Cracker! He's 3, and 46 lbs and 45in of pure activity! He has a bit of a temper, and is the king of throwing himself on the floor and using all of his 46 lbs to his advantage. When he stops you STOP!

My middle, and second, son is my Sassy Pants. Yes, sassy pants, meaning that he back talks more and far earlier than his brother ever did. If I say "no", he screams it back at me. If I don't let him have that pen he found in his daddy's uniform pocket, you would think that I had hurt him. If he doesn't want it, he throws it!

My daughter is our Pepper! This one is part family decided because of her middle name which sounds like "cayenne", and other part current personality. At 6 mo old she can go from sweet to spicy in no time! You know, sugar and spice and everything nice? Heavy on the spice part! I guess we know what our little girl is made of.

Someone told me that she just loves budding personalities. I have to admit that I love them too. Not only becuase they are my babies, but because I am seeing things that make them different. And these little names that I call them in my head, may become their nicknames very soon.

 My babies have spirit.....yes they babies have spirit..... how bout you?

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