Friday, December 30, 2011

Cloth for Christmas? Yes, Please!

My cloth diapering journey began about 3 years ago. I married my soldier, and we were wanting to start our family. As we kept getting told, "babies are expensive", and being the person I was I started researching alternatives to what most people refer to as "regular" diapers. We were trying to establish a budget as a young married couple, and the thought of spending up to 100 dollars on something we would throw away daily was something that neither of us liked at all.

We discussed cloth diapering, but didn't know of anyone who did it at the time. Shortly I stumbled across them because of a woman we went to church with who was using cloth on her twin boys. That was my first face-to-face introduction to any of the modern type of cloth. She invited me over to her house, and taught me everything she knew about them. No pins, no folding, just a pocket with snaps and an insert. And, she even did cloth wipes, that was something I had never really thought about! I HAD to tell my husband! This was far simpler than either of us had imagined! He was very supportive, and we ordered them when I was about 6 months preganant with our oldest son. The woman at our church used Fuzzibunz One-size, and being very new to cloth, it was really the only option I knew of.

Here our oldest is in his Fuzzibunz One-Size. These are still my favorite!

We discovered that the "pins and flats" cloth diapering of my mom and grandmother's generation was the only idea people had when you said you were doing cloth. People were very divided in their opinion; they were either tentatively suportive or absolutely grossed out! The idea of having to put the mess in the toilet before they put the diaper in the pail was just too much for them. I don't have a problem with it, and we wash our diapers every other day so that they are cleaned often. They all assumed we would quit within a week. But, with the help of companies like, Cotton Babies, where I can look at lots of types of cloth diapers and see what my options are, and making our one-stop shopping online easier; we have succeeded! With our oldest being a toddler now, we are looking into the Flip training pants! It is so nice to have so many brands in one place, and to have options for cloth training pants.

Our baby man is sporting his diaper as a swimsuit here...

So, how easy is Cloth, really? Wear, wash, repeat. Sounds too simple, NOPE! I see lots of moms asking in the Facebook forums, "what's your wash routine?" Is this an important question, yes, but the only difference between regular laundry and diaper laundry is that you have to rinse all the detergent out. If you follow your care instructions, and look at the instructions they send you with your diapers you will do just fine! My husband has even embraced this aspect of cloth. He has no problem throwing them in the wash, and he has our wash routine down pat!

Have we stuck to our budget, even though we now have two in cloth? Yes! We have 30 diapers for two children, all are one-size pockets, and we couldn't be happier with them! two sets of diapers and wipes have cost us about $400. How many peole can say that their diapers have paid for themselves? With the coming of our third child, this time a girl, I am also really excited that I can order some "girly" prints. Yes, Cloth mommies have a thing for cute prints.

Why am I blogging about this? Other than the fact that I would love to see more people being exposed to the truth about cloth, I am entering my post into a contest. I am not being paid for this, but would be very excited to hear that my post was liked! Please make comments and give me your cloth diapering questions and experiences. I can try to answer whatever you ask, and If I can't I will try to point you in the right direction.


  1. It's so amazing that people that CD are so willing to share and help others (like you and me) learn about it. I'm excited to CD #3 in February.

  2. Thanks for your post! I am expecting my first baby in May and plan on CDing from day one. I love to read all about "veteran" mom's CDing journeys, and would love to win 12 bumGenius diapers to add to my growing stash!

  3. There are days where cloth doesn't seem that great, and then you wash your stash, and realize...once they are all clean again...that it's all worth the work, and leaks, and everything else. Just keep in mind, no diaper in the world is "leak proof" and that if it does, that just means it's not on your baby's butt and it will come out in the wash. This is the biggest "complaint" I have seen so far in the CD world, and I am sad when it's the reason that people quit. Good luck!

  4. Now that I have used cloth almost exclusively on my daughter it is frightening how much spouses hold and it's all next to your baby's skin held in chemicalized gel balls...yuck! I am a cloth bootie mama for life and loving it and strongly encourage other moms to give it a try and get feedback from other moms who have used them successfully...good job Nicole !

  5. Thanks for the post! It is sooo worth it to use cloth, I love it. My 2 little boys and both in cloth (ages 23 months and 7 months). Cloth diapers are so cute and squishy on my babes and I love knowing that I am saving money and there are no nasty chemicals against their skin.

  6. I've also cloth diapered two boys and am excited to be able to cloth diaper a baby girl this coming spring - bring on the cute little girl colors and prints!!!!

  7. i cloth diaper because i think it is more comfortable and it would be what i would want to wear if i were a baby (and it was what i wore as a baby). I have only found positives to cloth diapering and am so glad that i was able to give my son (and future children) and clean healthy start at life. i love it so much and have never looked back (or gone to the store to buy disposables!)
