Monday, July 29, 2013

HUG myself for 100 days

  Things happen in marriage to change us, grow us, and teach us.  I learned several lessons 5 months ago, but the biggest lesson came yesterday.  I was not living beyond the circumstances of that day, I was living in fear of it happening again, as if that would keep it from happening.

  God gave me a word, H.U.G, and a mission for me.  My mission: to change my heart and mind by seeking him to let these fears go.  H.U.G: this is how I'm going to do it.

  H-humility, I will seek to live in humility.  U-understanding, I will learn to understand God more, and in turn I will understand myself and my purpose more.  G- grace, I will show grace to those who have wronged me, and live under that same grace because I AM a child of God.  I will do this for 100 days.

  Why 100, why not 30 or 60?  It has been nearly 6 months since the day that nearly destroyed my marriage.  It has taken me this long to realize that I was not really giving all of my fear to God, I was hoarding it because I wasn't trusting that the plan He laid out for us was what was really going to happen.  I was trying to control it.  So, I will devote half as long as it took to me realize my mistake to making myself over and giving it ALL over to God as I should have.  He spoke restoration into our marriage, and that is what He is doing...without my interference from now on.

  I will read my bible, daily.  I will pray about what the goal for each day is, and I will implement it.  I will do this to change myself, because the best thing I can do for my marriage is to seek God.

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