Monday, April 30, 2012

Just the beginning!

The journey with our babies is just beginning....2, 1, and 6 weeks old. Really still babies by anyone's calculations, yet they have taught me so much! With each child came a new set of responsibilities and trials, but also the joy that comes from an addition to your family.

I looked at our newest...our little as I was feeding her and I realized how fast this all goes! It feels like I'm missing everything, even though I've been with all of them from the beginning. I have to remind myself that sometimes the cleaning needs to wait, because I need to hold my boys. And if dinner is a little late, my hubby will get over it because I was cherishing our children.

I hear the grumbles and complaining, and I have done some of my own as a parent, about early feedings and laundry. I see the exasperated mom in the store with one kid, and I look at myself with three and I still feel for her. This and marriage are the best, hardest things we will ever get to do!

We watch them grow, and they teach us how to GROW UP! When we tell them "you can't have your way", in some way we are reminding ourselves of the same thing, because we can all admit we see pieces of ourselves in our childrens personalities. They push and we push back a million times between now and when they go out on their own, but the rewards aren't to be missed.

I long for date nights alone with my husband, and a time when the only behind I will be worried about is my own, but I am content with my life as it is right now! Cleaning, cooking, correcting, teaching, and loving them like nobody else can! But, until then I have my little ones here and I am so thankful that they are!

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