Monday, October 24, 2011

A Nice Encounter

Our little man, at barely over 2, is really not so little. He's over 3 feet tall, and wears 4T clothing for the length. Our long and skinny boy is deceptively "older" looking, and with that comes an anticipated set of complications. People THINK he's older without asking his age, so they just assume he's behind or lacking in some way. No kidding I have had people ask me this!

He's getting better about talking, but only talks to you if he wants, feel special if he does!

And here's the reason I wrote about my little man today....

I was at Walmart a couple days ago, and was in the checkout line. He couldn't understand why he could eat a banana right away, and had a little meltdown....again, he's barely over 2, meltdowns happen. And, as usual I was getting the "look" from people and I heard someone in the other aisle say,"thats why we don't have kids"....FYI people can hear you one aisle over when you say things like that! In the lane a woman behind me asked how old my little man was. When I told her his age she automatically said exactly what everyone else does.."he's BIG for 2!" ..but, then she suprised me by adding that I shouldn't let people push him too hard because they are going to want him to act older because of his size.

WHOA, its gonna snow! Someone who actually thought the same thing I do, and was nice about it! I believe that kids are forced to grow up too fast. I think that requiring that they know how to read before kindergarten is robbing them of their childhood...not to mention those prevcious years where you and the adults in the room can spell things you don't want the kids to know. My aunt got around this after we knew how to spell by speaking pig latin with her sister...but, I don't think my husband would care to learn pig latin.

My husband and I have every intention of letting our babies be little. Making messes, mistakes, and even more messes...that's how they learn! So, let them grow up at a steady pace, and they will enjoy their childhood more, and so will you!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

I'm ready...

So, I keep getting told every time I complain about some aspect of the military that is giving my husband or my family the shaft that I'm "enlisted" too. Oh, and my personal knew about this when you married him! I say bull-hocky!

If I'm enlisted...where is the person I can go to when they treat my husband as their personal workhorse? Yes, working is his job, but work should be done by EVERYONE not just one! Who do I ask for clarification, when my husband was initially told that he was put on this shift because it wasn't fair for him not to be...because another airman had spent a whopping 3mo on husband is now 7mo and counting, and stories have changed again about why they can't and won't move him to day shift. It was my understandimg that when "one sneezes they all blow their nose" in the military....what's good for one is supposed to be good for ALL!

AND...if I knew exactly what I was getting into by marrying someone...SO DO YOU...but, nobody likes hearing that, because its not true! How do we know what its like to have our husband being owned by the military when we have never been married? That's like saying you knew your car was going to break the day you bought it...Betcha you'd complain too!

I'm ready!

....for have people care more about their fellow members than they do themselves!
....for integrity...telling the TRUTH instead of fanning their own egos to make them look good on the outside!
....Service before self...ya, they used to know what this meant before they missed the first two!

Sound a little familiar?..they learn it in basic, and forget it as soon as they leave...please remember!

I hope the selfishness of the present military is soon to be a thing of the past! But, selfish leaders beget selfish troops!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Our little artist

Usually I'm very supportive of our 2yr old's I am shaking my head! Let me start by saying that he can be very sneaky, not in a truly naughty sense, but sneaky nonetheless. And when given the right tools hr gets the job done to his satisfaction!

So, we went to the BX today, and the base is having fire prevention month and they were giving away toys and such to the kids. He got a hat, and a cup, and crayons with his coloring book....maybe you can see where this is going? We walked around, and I thought my husband had stuck the crayons in the diaper bag, and I had forgotten about them.

On the way home nothing was out of the ordinary, his seat is behind mine, and we have a compact car. You would think that one of us might have seen something....daddy had even talked to him at some stoplights because he likes to try to roll the window down...again, nothing was out of the ordinary!

I went into the house and my husband followed with getting the kiddos out, and then I hear,"hunee, do you want to know what our son did?"....we had just gotten home, there was literally NOTHING he could have done in the house...note: in the house! My husband came back to where I was and said,"did you know what was in his fire house cup?", and I said I thought it was husband told me he had left the crayons in the cup, when he handed it to our son in the car..see where I'm going now? He had decided the panel next to him in the car was not colorful enough, and had remedied the problem. See?...he got the job done with the tools given!

All I can do is laugh and shake my head!...I'm not a person who is so stuck on stuff that I'm going to punish him for something that was at least partially my fault. He's a child, and today he did exactly what they do. The only thing worse than lack of creativity is making them scared to be so...I admit the car is not the right place, but it happened. Life will go on...we will wash it off the best we can...and we will choose to laugh instead of be angry with him, because he acted his age!

Teach your children, but don't punish them for things that you has a part in...that's the stuff that makes them think you were a jerk later on...oh, and its JUST A CAR!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Quick Trip

My husband is the king of "quick" trips....he will go out quickly to get a gallon of milk, and come back with a bag full of stuff. See, "quick" trip! Last night was the same.

He was going to go to the base track to run, and it seemed to be taking a long time...Betcha can guess why before I tell you! Yes, he stopped at the BX quickly. Little did I know that thus trip was for me, but I found out it was. As my third pregnancy progresses I am finding that my clothes don't fit....yes, this happens but its bothering me because I am at the heaviest I have ever been. So, I am a little reluctant to go buy a whole new wardrobe, when my width during and after pregnancy is going to be changing....either by childbirth, or my own desire to never see these numbers on the scale again.

My husband never says anything about my size. I admit that this is exactly what I was hoping for in a husband, but now that I have it, it is not as comforting as I thought it would be! I know, its what I wished for, but I need some input.. like Johnny 5 ;-)

So, my husband heard me muttering about not having any roomy shirts to just wear around the house. And his side trip was to come home with any he found at the store. He's my fix-it man! He said he felt this was a need and so he just did it....I love this man, now more than the day I married him, and more tomorrow than today. He tries! That is all that I can ask, and wether he got me exactly what I would have picked or not doesn't matter, what matters is the effort behind his "quick" trip.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

The Reasons Behind The Action

As our marriage progresses I slowly find out those reasons that make my husband do certain things. And one of our favorite movies explains this progression very the movie 'Fireproof' the character,played by Kirk Cameron, reads part of the love dare to his coworker. He says...and I'm paraphrasing...that you should study your spouse even after marriage. And, you should work your way up as if you were in school, from elementary all the way to your bachelor's degree and continue as far as you can and as long as you can. The more you pay attention, the better your relationship will be. I have to say, that in comparison to a grade level, our studying is probably still in the elementary level, but it keeps going up.

Today I discovered a few things about my husband. They were small, but they certainly count! These things help me to understand his know those things that don't make sense to you, and therefore drive you insane? There is probably something behind it! Study your spouse, it will save you from those silly arguments that you won't remember later. And it doesn't matter if anyone else understands his quirky grandma still wants to bop my husband every time he licks his plate at her house, even though I have explained to her the reason behind it...he only licks his plate when he REALLY likes the food...but all my grandma sees is bad manners.

See the reason, and if its not enough to be angry about, then let it go and just love them for it!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Intended Miracles

So, my trip to urgent care yesterday, recent comments made to me from other spouses, and things I read today on the news channel Facebook page have made it very clear that I need to say something...

Having more than two children is NOT a crime in our country! Everyone who has more than that number is NOT on welfare! Just because those of us who want more than that magical number of children have them doesn't make them any less wanted or loved!

In the last two days I have had a medical doctor ask me if I intended to get pregnant as often as I have...from what he learned from his precious medical books, the answer is yes, because we didn't do anything to "prevent" them from happening. From my standpoint I say that they were intended miracles! I have also had some military spouses react as if I should be commited to the psych ward because our first two are 16mo apart and our second and third will be 15mo apart....I have to say that the spacing is over 9mo apart so most of the nae-sayers should be pleased with me.

I have several friends and family who have not been blessed with their own children yet. Reasons are all different, but I would imagine that just one "intended miracle" would give them so much joy. One of my friends actually wanted 4, and now she says,"if I could have just one I would be happy." I'm not bragging, I'm just making a point that we will all be given the children we are meant to have. Either from our own bodies or from someone who felt that child belonged with you from the start. Both outcomes come from God's own hand, and in his time!

When we started trying to have our family, my husband and I knew that our plan may not be what was intended for us, and we may never have more than what we do right now. So, I would encourage you to look past this "2 kids is normal" mentality and just say, "they have the number they were meant to have." And, if you can't be nice, choose to say nothing. Nothing hurts a child more than to read or overhear someone asking if they were wanted when you became pregnant with them, and believe me they are listening!

So, I will continue on our journey through parenthood. I will have no more children than God intends for me to have, and no less. All of our children will be loved and cared for. I don't care how tired I am, or if someone can't understand how I "got into this mess". I won't ask your permission, and I'm certain you wouldn't ask mine, but if you have a baby I will be happy for have an INTENDED MIRACLE, as I believe all babies are!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Dear Tricare and Express Scripts...

As someone who uses an off base pharmacy because the military doesn't have a real hospital here, and therefore, a second rate supply of medication available...I would like to tell you what I think of your precious new is robbery! I get the mail you send me that says how much you actually pay for my medication, and I would think that a whole 2 dollars on your part is not too steep, even for a bunch of cheapskates like yourselves.

2 dollars, the price of half of your designer coffee that you are probably drinking this morning, and those pens you just had to have from your office supply....that taxpayers like me, buy for you!

With all the things that the military "might" be losing in the way of benefits, you should have at least notified us that you were going to raise the price! How would you like it if your insurance did the same thing to wait! But since my husband works for the govt...we just get to eat the increase, when there is no grounds for it!

I hope that you all are extremely proud of just saved the "military" some money while sticking it to them at the same time! But, I guess we should just accept this as part of our new military...all work, no benefits, and an income that is considered below the poverty rate in most cities! Thank you for the wonderful suprise this week...I hope you recieve one just like it someday, it will make your year!