When you are in school a 4 day weekend is long and relaxing. You have no school, no homework, sometimes no job to go to, and all that is required is that u pick up after yourself and try not to drive your mother crazy in those extra days. Then you grow up and discover that they are not as fun now as they were then.
You spend all day before it starts anticipating it, the first day is awesome! The second day is good because you realize It's half gone, but that still means the other half is in front of you. The third is ok but you feel a little dread knowing that the fun will only last until tomorrow. Then we get to the last day, no joy to be found and it feels like work to even try to get out of your funk....that's where I am today.
My husband drove down to where the training is, but the minute we crossed the state line I could feel my mood change and so did my husband.
Our son screamed from the time he got out of the car until we were 10 minutes from home. I can't wait til this TDY IS OVER!
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