Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Bashing-on and Cashing-in on the military

It seems that with the quickly approaching anniversary of 9/11/01 there has been a surge of public patriotism, the military itself is gearing up to be ready if someone tries to start anything, and with this comes the usual uprising of celebrity supporters or haters.

The supporters want to make this anniversary one to be proud of, and to help the military feel like they are doing something that is WORTH something to the rest of us at home. The haters want to make it about THEM!

One of the most recent things I have seen was a comment made by a "singer". I don't count rap as singing as a rule, but you would think that they would have had to say the words out loud a lot in order to not trip over their own tongue when they are I would like to know why he didn't realize that what he wrote and said would cause an uproar? And, I would like to know why his apology, made after he was almost blacklisted, should carry any weight? But, I guess this is a legacy for those who want to cash in on this group of people.

The ones who truly support our men and women keep their rude comments to themselves just fine....the ones who want a meal ticket or a little notoriety don't care until it hits their bank account.

As the spouse of a military member I will ask you to pick a side. You are either for our spouses, or you are not. We don't blame your spouse, who may also carry the mail, for a package that never made it! We don't blame your doctor spouse, because they are in the same field as the one who treated our loved one, for the wrong diagnosis! Just because one makes a mistake, doesn't mean they all do!

Can you imagine feeling so hated and loved all at the same time? I know my husband has thought of the ones out there who don't like him because of his profession. I know spouses who have been attacked verbally for it....and their children too. Did you know that my husband is afraid to let me put a sticker or a magnet on our car that says "I love my airman" or "Proud airforce wife" because he doesn't want me and our children to suffer the same way? So, I get to hide my support under a bushel while the rest of the world can support whatever they want with no consequences. We are a world that likes things "fair", guess what? It's NOT fair!

With things the way they are right now, my dreams of being a bumper sticker supporter of my husband are going to have to wait until he is retired. And everyone else will get to protest and praise all they want because they, obviously must have far more rights than I do.

Think before you speak. These people are not just cash on two legs! They are husbands, wives, fathers, mothers, daughters, sons, aunts, uncles, sisters, brothers, and cousins. They belong to someone! And that someone deserves to be a proud supporter....just as much as you!